Seeking Some Support

You may have noticed that your super fun awesome excited (clearly excited) HB leads are running out of time to give supporting this group. We adore and love Hitchin’ Bitches and are going to ensure it stays alive and well.

That being said, we could use some help! A few areas in which you can help and be a part of the team, whether it’s for a month or indefinitely. Just let us know as you wish.

Pop onto Fetlife and shoot us a message

Or email us directly at HitchinBitchesBayArea (at) mail (dot) com

Tees Available via HB Atlanta

Show some HB price and support the Atlanta chapter while you’re at it!

Atlanta has been a bit ‘homeless’ for a few months now and are working on securing a deal with a local studio but need to ensure cashflow is at a premium to do this!

And thus, the TSHIRT/HOODIE/TANK drive begins:

Also, has a unisex size option for the snazzy gentleman in your life that wishes to show his undying support and love for Hitchin’ Bitches. They have a few styles that say different things.

For those that “tie like a girl”

For the Bottoms: HB logo on the front, Bitchin Bottom on the back across shoulders!…